Annie Starke, Glenn Close’s daughter, recreates a photo of her mother’s pregnancy from 1988

Annie Starke, Glenn Close's daughter, recreates her mother's pregnancy photo from 1988 Photos: Instagram @anniemstarke

Annie Starke moved her followers after recreating a pregnancy photo of her mother, Glenn Close, when she was expecting her son, Rory.

Glenn Close was honored by her daughter Annie Starke when she recreated the actress’s pregnancy photo from 1988, while Glenn was expecting Annie. At the time, her 36-year-old daughter was expecting her newborn son, Rory.

On March 8, Annie shared a collection of photos showing her pregnant belly on Instagram. She then shared a photo of Glenn Close pregnant with Annie, along with her grandmother, Bettine Moore Close.

Annie Starke, Glenn Close's daughter, recreates her mother's pregnancy photo from 1988

Photos: Instagram @anniemstarke

The final photo showed Starke next to the actress from “Fatal Attraction” with her belly next to her 77-year-old mother.

“This International Women’s Day means something a little different this year. Swipe to see the recreation of a classic family photo, my grandmother, Glenn Close, and me in her womb, now grandma ‘Gi’, me and Rory in (the huge) womb,” wrote Annie.

Annie Starke gave birth to her first child, Rory Westaway Albu, with her husband, Marc Albu. The baby was born on February 7, making Glenn Close a grandmother for the first time.

Photos: Instagram @anniemstarke. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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